FCAM will hold its annual Congressional breakfast at the Library of Congress on February 12, 2025 and will attend the CFSI Dinner on February 13, 2025. Chiefs are encouraged to attend and help support the efforts to work on getting congress to fund the AFG , SAFER and pass other fire service legislation.
Chiefs that plan to attend are asked to let their representative who in on the FCAM Board of Director know asap, and by next Wednesday the 27th the latest if you plan to attend the dinner. FCAM will coordinate and purchase the dinner tickets as a whole.
There are rooms available at the host hotel the Marriott Marquis on MASS Ave but only for February 12 & 13 at the block rate. FCAM is working on a different hotel for those planning to arrive earlier in the week.
Further details will be forth coming on the schedule of events. Any question please email Chief Partridge or Chief Scoble