The FCAM October monthly meeting will be on October 16 at UMASS Lowell, Coburn Hall, Room 255 (Smith Ballroom), 850 Broadway Street, Lowell
RSVP Requested please see link below
Meeting Date: October 16, 2024
Meeting Time: 0900-1000 hours coffee /pastries, 1000 hours business meeting, lunch to follow, NO COST
Meeting Location: UMASS Lowell, 850 Broadway Street, Lowell, Coburn Hall Room 255
Special Note: Parking will be at 94 Wilder Street, Lowell, the Wilder Faculty and Staff Parking Lot. The gate arm will
Be open from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM, if you arrive late please use the intercom and let them know you are there for the
Fire Chiefs meeting and they will let you in.