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Membership Request

Submitting your membership is the first step in becoming a member of FCAM. Once your request is received, it is reviewed the Executive Board and then requires review and approval by the general membership. Once your membership is approved, you will be notified and payment will be accepted at that time. Chiefs or nonunion deputies are eligible for membership, along with fire service vendors.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Information

Home Address*
Department/Organization Address*
Please select your requested level of membership below.

PLEASE NOTE: Membership must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board.
Once your membership is approved, you will be invoiced for payment.
Membership Level*
Please submit a brief statement of your professional interests that would help to direct you to committees and events that would be in line with those interests.


Please provide the name of an FCAM member that is recommending you for membership.
FCAM Member Name*