FCAM members are asked to file a letter of support for the preservation of 4.9GHz for public safety with the FCC, and provide stated support for the allocation of the 4.9Ghz public safety spectrum to the FirstNet authority?
Attached is sample language for letters to be filed with the FCC. At this stage of the FCC process, the more letters that are filed to support the public safety position on this matter the better.
Please see attached sample letter language and the instructions below.
The letter at least needs to state that you support the allocation of the 4.9Ghz public safety spectrum to the FirstNet authority.
Feel free to use the attached letter template, insert your info and use in whole by cut and paste and/or edit as you may choose in submitting the letter to the FCC.
Instructions for Filing letter with FCC:
- First, go to FCC.gov, the FCC’s web site.
- Then click on ECFS (the “Electronic Comment Filing System). This will have tabs for “search,” “submit a filing,” “check filing status” and “user help.” The docket is 07-100 (In the matter of Amendment of Part 90 of the Commission’s Rules”).
When you have a comment or letter ready to file, go to the “submit a filing” tab, fill in the relevant fields and hit submit. There also is a box to check if they want a receipt (to confirm that their filing was received).